I’m going to touch briefly on a few things this time. Just topics that have cropped up during day to day work that prompted me to get writing. So here are some thoughts on anti-virus, backing up and Windows 7.
Anti-Virus software
You should only have one anti-virus package installed at any time on your computer. I recently went to a customer who was getting odd messages on his screen.
It turned out to be a second AV program conflicting with his main one, which caused the PC to run slow and the error messages to appear. Removal of the offending software solved the problems immediately.
Neither program was able to do its job properly due to the conflicts.
This topic is a common theme for me. I often meet customers who have no backup or only one inadequate manual backup on a memory stick or such like.
I cannot emphasise enough how important backups are, especially if you are in business. Most people do not recognise the importance until it is too late. By then they have had an incident and lost precious data.
As a minimum you should make a local backup and also an online backup using one of the commercially available solutions. I will write further on this in the future.
Windows 7
I talked about Windows 7 earlier in the year, this is just a reminder.
In January 2020 Windows 7 will reach its end of support from Microsoft.
This means that Microsoft will no longer push out security updates for Windows 7. So, when a bug or vulnerability is found it will no longer be patched or fixed. This will mean Windows 7 machines will become less secure. Users with such machines should upgrade to Windows 10 by either buying a new machine or upgrading their old one.
More information can be found here.
As ever, if you have any questions on any of these topics please get in touch.