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Merry Xmas

December 23rd, 2020 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Merry Xmas”

Xmas greenery







Hello everyone,

This has been a very strange year for all of us. I’m sure everyone will be glad to see the old year out and the new one in. Let’s hope the situation improves for us all, not only here in Stockport, but all over the country and the globe.

I hope you all have a Merry Xmas, as best you can under the circumstances.

Please note I am closing between 24th December 2020 and 4th January 2021.

Wishing you all the best,



Covid-19 precautions- updated.

March 17th, 2020 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Covid-19 precautions- updated.”

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Covid 19- what I am doing.

***UPDATE – Mon 20th July : ***

Now that restrictions are being lifted and government guidelines are changing it is now possible for me to visit people to carry out work. I can do remote work where possible and will accept work being dropped off with me. Please telephone first before any action is taken.


To reassure my customers, both old and new, here are my plans to keep running whilst continuing to stay safe and helping to beat this virus.

I am still willing to come out to customers, but will be taking precautions. I have sanisiting wipes for cleaning keyboards etc after working on your computer and will also be wearing disposable gloves to minimise transfer of anything from hand to computer. I would ask customers to keep their distance where practical, by keeping out of the same room.

If you need my services but don’t want a home or office visit, then I am happy for you to bring your computer to me. It can be dropped off in my porch so no actual contact needs to be made.

I can also undertake some work by remote connection if necessary as long as you are running Windows 10.

As most people are still working from home, be aware this will continue to have an impact on remote working software and the internet speed in general. Most Internet Service Providers will have already had contingency plans in place for this. BT have said the extra daytime demand will be no worse than when we all watch Netflix in the evening.

If you have any questions please get in touch by phone or email.


Looking forward to 2020.

December 10th, 2019 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Looking forward to 2020.”

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash



Well we are nearly at the end of 2020 already.

Where has the year gone? It seems to have flown by for me.


So what has been the main focus this year?


2019 started off with a flurry of new PC orders during January and February.

That settled down by March onwards, the main focus since has been upgrades to or replacements for Windows 7 machines.

I seem to have done upgrades and new PCs every month since then. We are now only one month away from the end of support date and so there will still be more I’m sure. If you have a Windows 7 computer then please get in touch.

I have also done an increasing number of SSD upgrades too. These are becoming very popular as it is a sure-fire way of speeding up a slowing computer. I enjoy seeing the reactions of customers when they see the upgraded computer start up for the first time.


My drop- in events.

I have also started doing a monthly drop in event for the local community. (Strictly speaking the first was December 2018 but who’s checking!)

It is kindly hosted by a local café owner Dawn, who is a friend, at her café Walkers Retreat. It is aimed at local people to come in and meet me and ask a quick technical question while they grab a coffee and cake at the café.

It was a slow start but now I regularly get people asking when the next one is.


Looking forward to 2020.

I am sure there will be many last minute Windows 7 owners getting in touch in January 2020 for upgrades or new computers.

I’m hoping the drop in events continue to be popular in 2020 too.


Hope you have a great Xmas and all the best for 2020!




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